Mathematics |
Lee, J.-H. (1993). Terminologies in differential geometry with special focus on differential topology, semi-Riemannian manifolds, relativity and gravitation. Taejon. (Note that the size of the pdf file is about 2.3 Mbytes.)  |
Lee, J.-H. (1991). On the splittings of Lorentzian manifolds. Master's dissertation (Department of Mathematics). Pohang: Pohang University of Science and Technology. |
Computer Security: Resilience |
Lee, J.-H. (2000). Designing a reliable publishing framework. Computer Laboratory Technical Report 489. Cambridge: Cambridge University Computer Laboratory. ISSN 1476-2986 UCAM-CL-TR-489.  |
Anderson, R. J. & Lee, J.-H. (2000). Jikzi - a new framework for secure publishing. Security Protocols Workshop 1999 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1796), pp. 21-47. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 3-540-67381-4. |
Lee, J.-H. (1998). A resilient access control scheme for secure electronic transactions. Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce (pp. 75-82). August 31-September 3, 1998. Boston, MA, USA.  |
Computer Security: Policy and Governance |
Lee, H. (2013). 2013 Information Security Program for the Ministry of Justice, Province of British Columbia. A Ministry of Justice Program Plan. |
Bailey, I., Lee, H. (2013). 2013 Information Security Program. Government Chief Information Security Officer's Strategic Plan.  |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2012). Information Security Policy V2.2. Government Policy.  |
Hackett, S., Lee, H. (2011). 2011 Information Security Program. Government Chief Information Security Officer's Strategic Plan. |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2011). Information Security Policy V2.1. Government Policy. |
Lee, H. (2011). eDiscovery. CIO Research Paper. |
Hackett, S., Lee, H. (2010). 2010 Information Security Program. Government Chief Information Security Officer's Strategic Plan. |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2010). Information Security Policy V2.0. Government Policy. |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2010). Information Incident Management Process. Government Standard.  |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2010). Information Security Classification Framework. Government Standard.  |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2010). Information Security Classification Guidelines. Government Standard Guidelines.  |
Lee, H. (2010). Information incident investigations process. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2010). Information incident reporting process. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2010). Law-enforcement communication protocol process. CIO Research Paper. |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2009). Cryptographic Standards for Information Protection. Government Standards.  |
Lee, H. (2009). An implementation scheme for the corporate information security classification. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2009). Roles and responsibilities of the Ministry Information Security Officers in the centralized security management. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2009). SANS Consensus Audit Guidelines. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2009). Security aspects of the government remote access services. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2009). Web 2.0 Security. CIO Research Paper. |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2008). Information Security Policy V1.2. Government Policy. |
Lee, H. (2008). Whistleblower protection and processes to make a disclosure. CIO Research Paper. |
Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia (2007). Information Security Policy V1.1. Government Policy. |
Lee, H. (2007). Responsibilities, Accountabilities, Consultation and Information (RACI) matrices of the Information Security Policy V1.0. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2007). Security Organization. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2006). Roles and responsibilities grids of the Information Security Policy V1.0. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, J.-H. (2003). DOX general description: duty-oriented access control, delegation and credential handling. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-116. |
Anderson, R. J., Stajano, F. & Lee, J.-H. (2001). Security policies. In Zelkowitz, M. V. (Ed.), Advances in Computers Vol. 55, pp. 185-235. London: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-012155-7. |
Anderson, R. J. & Lee, J.-H. (2000). Jikzi - a new framework for security policy, trusted publishing and electronic commerce. Computer Communications, 23(17): 1621-1626. |
Computer Security: Trust |
Anderson, R. J., Crispo, B., Lee, J.-H., Manifavas, C., Matyas Jr., V. & Petitcolas, F. (1999). The global Internet trust register 1999. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-51105-3. |
Anderson, R. J., Crispo, B., Lee, J.-H., Manifavas, C., Matyas Jr., V. & Petitcolas, F. (1998). The global trust register 1998. Cambridge: Northgate Consultants Ltd. ISBN 0-9532397-0-5. |
Anderson, R. J., Crispo, B., Lee, J.-H., Manifavas, C., Matyas Jr., V. & Petitcolas, F. (1998). The global trust register. Proceedings of Datasem '98 (pp. 219-241). October 1998. Brno, Czech Republic. |
Computer Security: Protocols |
Lee, J.-H. (1999). Big brother ballot. Operating Systems Review, 33(3): 19-25. |
Lee, J.-H. (1999). Anonymity revisited: the degree of the knowledge transfer. Cambridge.  |
Anderson, R. J., Bergadano, F., Crispo, B., Lee, J.-H., Manifavas, C., Needham, R. M. (1998). A new family of authentication protocols. Operating Systems Review, 32(4): 9-20. |
Lee, J.-H. (1998). A practical election scheme using the Guy Fawkes protocol and paired chaining publication. Cambridge.  |
Anderson, R. J., Crispo, B., Lee, J.-H., Manifavas, C., Needham, R. M. (1997). The Guy Fawkes Protocol. Recent Results Session of the 4th Fast Software Encryption Workshop. January 20-22, 1997. Haifa, Israel. |
Lee, J.-H. (1997). A survey on IPSEC key management protocols. Cambridge.  |
Lee, J.-H. (1997). A personal information management scheme. Cambridge.  |
Lee, J.-H. (1997). A PIN management scheme based on the Needham's scheme. Cambridge.  |
Computer Security: Cryptography |
Lee, J.-H. (2000). Fingerprinting. In Katzenbeisser, S. & Petitcolas, F. (Eds.), Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking, pp.175-190. Boston: Artech House. ISBN 1-58053-035-4. |
Lee, J.-H. (1998). A method for generating authentication key used for authentication center of digital mobile communication network (English translation of the Korean patent title). Patent Registration No. 10-0152393-0000, IPC Code H04L 9/32. June 26, 1998. Korea. |
Lee, J.-H. (1998). Comments on "Digital signature for Diffie-Hellman public keys without using a one-way function." Cambridge.  |
Lee, J.-H. & Koo, Y.-H. (1997). Modern cryptology. Taejon: SOFTFORUM. |
Computer Security: Audit |
Lee, J.-H. (2002). Security audit: a consulting methodology. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document CS-TM-106. |
Computer Security: Others |
Lee, H. (2009). Practice of Information Security. Textbook. University of Victoria. |
Lee, H. (2008). Advanced Topics in Information Security. Textbook. University of Victoria. |
Lee, H. (2006). Forensic investigations in encrypted environment. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2006). Future trends of security technologies. CIO Research Paper. |
Software Engineering |
Lee, J.-H. (2006). Education and awareness on the Capability Maturity Model. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, J.-H. (2004). 21 CFR Part 11 and FiloSAFE. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-121. |
Lee, J.-H. (2004). Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and FiloSAFE. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-120. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2003). Evaluations of Postgram. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document PG-DES-104. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2003). Postgram: a revised user interface. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document PG-DES-105. |
Chung, H. Y., Chang, H. W., Lee, J.-H. (2002). Postgram: the design. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document PG-DES-101. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2002). Evaluation of FiloSAFE 3. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-111. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2002). FiloSAFE 3 user interface description. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-109. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2002). ShareDrive: the design concept. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document SD-DES-101. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2002). ShareDrive: user interface design. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document SD-DES-102. |
Chung, H. Y., Lee, J.-H. (2002). User-space analysis for FiloSAFE 3. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-110. |
MacDorman, K. F., Lee, J.-H., Chang, C. (2002). FiloSAFE 3.3: client user's guide. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-108. |
Lee, J.-H. (2001). A note on the Electronic Document Standard (EDS) for the Korea government standard document format. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-105. |
Lee, J.-H. (2001). FiloSAFE 3 development milestones. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-101. |
Lee, J.-H. (2001). FiloSAFE 3: solution overview. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-107. |
Lee, J.-H. (2001). Knowledgenome system design. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document KG-DES-001. |
Lee, J.-H., MacDorman, K. F., Rabinovich, I. (2001). FiloSAFE 3: system specifications. FILOSAFE Corporation Technical Document FS-DES-102. |
Mobile Communication |
Lee, J.-H. (1996). Certifying authority in FPLMTS. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Multi-dimensional Mobile Communications. July 18-20, 1996. Seoul, Korea. |
Lee, J.-H. (1996). Certifying authority-based FPLMTS authentication. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems '96 (pp. 26.5.1-26.5.5). November 25-29, 1996. Singapore. |
Lee, J.-H. & Lim, S. B. (1994). Multiple HLRs in PLMN/PCN. Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Communications & Information. April 28-30, 1994. Chuncheon, Korea. |
Lee, J.-H. (1994). Design of command interpreter block for system administration and maintenance. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Technical Document HLRBLK644-220C. |
Lee, J.-H. (1994). Home Location Register's operations and maintenance function specification. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Technical Document HLR-SSB004-190A. |
Lee, J.-H. (1994). User guide for form generator (command user interface). Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Technical Document HLRBLK650-140A. |
Lee, J.-H., Koo, Y.-H., Lim, S.-B. & Park, J.-W. (1993). Reduction of message exchange in HLR. 1993 Joint Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications. July 26-28, 1993. Nara, Japan. |
Lee, J.-H. (1993). Design of form generator (command user interface). Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Technical Document HLRBLK644-220B. |
Lee, J.-H. (1993). Design of man-machine-interface block. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Technical Document TD93-7230-028. |
Lee, J.-H. (1993). Design of security controller block. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Technical Document HLRBLK645-220A. |
Lee, J.-H. (1992). On the operating system for home location register. Telecommunications Review, 2(6):24-35. |
Computer Communications |
Lee, H. (2007). BlackBerry's PIN-to-PIN communication capability. CIO Research Paper. |
Lee, H. (2007). Instant messaging. CIO Research Paper. |
Kim, K. & Lee, J.-H. (1994). Media access control of ATM hub. Proceedings of the IEEE ICCCN'94. September 1994. San Francisco, CA, USA. |
Kim, K. & Lee, J.-H. (1993). Data communication over ATM networks. Proceedings of the 8th Joint Workshop on Computer Communications (E1-2-1-E1-2-5). December 10-11, 1993. Taipei, Taiwan. |
World Wide Web |
Kang, Y., Guen, D., Kim, M., Kim, B. H., Kim, Y., Kim, J. H., Kim, E. A., Kim, C., Nam, Y. J., Park, J. Y., Shin, M. K., Shin, J. H., Yun, S. C., Lee, K., Lee, Y. S., Lee, J.-H., Lee, H., Lim, J. M., Jeon, J. H., Choi, M. J. & Hwang, I. Y. (1995). World Wide Web. Revised edition. Seoul: WWW Forum, Korea (WWW-KR). |